Thursday, February 24, 2011

I gave you all.

I've discovered that I have many flaws that could prove to be a problem in my later life. But I have no desire to change them. Which is also part of my problem.

I know I have said this before, but I need to move on. I don't want too, but I need too. Feeling this way is not healthy. It would also be nice for you to not play on my feelings, I know I don't stop you, cause well during the moment I love it, but its late at night as it is now, that I hate it. I look back, and want more of it. But I know that right now you're with someone else, getting what I want. And it hurts. You don't care though.

I don't know if I just forgot, or I put a mental blocker up. Maybe it wasn't that big of a deal, maybe I was just over reacting. I don't know what. I feel foolish. How do you stop something you want so much. I feel like I've dealt with this before.

And you were right, I remember now.

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